Monday, March 5, 2012

How To Act Appropriately In A Park For Dogs

It's very important that you and your dog always mind your manners when in a park for dogs. Remember that it is also a place for recreation by people who don't bring animals. To some of these people your dog's presence could be seen as a nuisance if they don't behave themselves properly. If you or your dog are inconsiderate people may complain and you could be asked to leave the park.

When playing in a park for dogs, make sure to obey all of the rules posted in the area. If off-leash play is allowed only during certain hours, leave your dog leashed according to the posted times. Hour restrictions are usually for the safety of others during crowded periods during the day. If the park has written rules about which areas dogs may be off-leash, and which areas that leashes are required, always be ready to leash your dog again according to the rules.

You should always clean up after your dog. Failure to clean up after your dog is among the highest reasons that a dog park changes signs to read no pets allowed. Dog waste left uncleaned makes an area unsafe to play in and contaminates ground water sources once it decays. If dog waste is left behind people will step in it and children may fall in it while playing. You wouldn't want to have some kid's skinned knee landing in a mess left behind by your dog. Cleaning up after your pet is not just polite; it's a matter of safety for people and other dogs.

Everyone's dog has a favorite toy but these toys should not be brought to the dog park. If you do bring a toy to the park every other dog there may end up wanting that toy as well. While your intentions are good, this can also cause some issues. You don't know how other dogs will react and toys can cause serious and potentially dangerous fights to break out in the park.

Everyone knows it's your responsibility to clean up after your dog, but only a few realize that part of minding your manners also means keeping your dog clean and dry. Be prepared with a couple of towels to wipe your dog down. If your dog goes for a swim make sure you dry it off before it shakes water all over an innocent bystander. If your dog is soaked in mud, wipe her feet before you return to the paved path. People who don't bring their pets with them will be judging you, and your dog, so keeping him clean is a good way to ensure that everyone gets on well.

For more expert advice on how to manage your pet in a park for dogs, visit -- your one-stop shop for pet-friendly advice. Subscribe to the newsletter for the chance to win a FREE pet-friendly holiday!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Care for a Day-Old Kitten

Kittens are usually cared for by their moms. However, like all things in nature, Darwin kicks in and only a few of the offspring will survive. I have encountered twice the particular case of a cat that simply will not care for her babies, being equally disinterested in whether they live or die. So, for the best part of the next four weeks I acted like a nursing cat mother for three little kittens. Needless to say, when they're a few hours old, each of them is hardly bigger than a very small mouse.

There are two things they need to survive: warmth and food. You can solve the first issue with a couple of 2 liters plastic bottles filled with hot water that you put it in their nesting place. A shoebox will suffice for that. Also, try making them comfortable by adding a towel or any cloth you won't need ever again, so they have a soft floor. The water will need changing every few hours, depending on how fast it cools.

Next issue is a bit of a nuisance. You'll have to buy a baby bottle for kittens. There are many available at pet shops, you cannot improvise around it, trust me on that, I've tried. The thing that came nearer to a baby bottle was a 2ml syringe, but you run the risk of pumping too fast and choking them. Plus, they can't draw from it. So go get the baby bottle. Then to the food: you can either buy special powder milk that has all the surplus they need from a lactating mother, just ask the veterinarian for it, or use your own milk from the store. Either way is fine, the powder milk is pricey but better, but they won't die for the lack of it. Next buy eggs, a whole basket of eggs, you're going to need them. Break an egg and clear the yolk. Only the yolk! Put the yolk in a cup. Add a bit of milk and mix. Then add a spoon of honey and mix. Pour milk up to about 200ml and mix. Honey helps the kittens' digestion a lot, it's not just for the taste of it. When you have about 200ml of mixed product make sure it's warm and fill up the baby bottle. Then pick each of the kids up and start feeding them. You'll have to be patient, although at first they're probably be starving and will draw like there's no tomorrow. You will have to repeat that every three hours and two times per night.

My advice is to have more food mixed so you only have to warm it, it saves a lot of time not having to mix it all each and every time they need feeding. After four weeks they will probably learn to drink by themselves and you're off the hook, although there's no timeframe guaranteed about that. I had one crazy kitten that refused to let go of the baby bottle for three months!

If you follow these steps it will be hard on your part but your kittens WILL live. Constant feeding and warmth is all there really is to it. And patience.

Oana is a member of - an online community where people can meet new people and stay connected to friends, families and share photos, updates, reviews and more. Oana regularly writes articles on different topics that interested her. She always had pets around her,from when she was a little girl and her sister has nine cats. Come join us for FREE. This article can only be reproduced in its entirety when the link to is live at all times.